The environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and consists of this Code and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Tasks of the environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan are:
1) ensuring a high level of environmental protection through the implementation of state regulation aimed at preventing environmental pollution, preventing environmental damage in any form and ensuring the elimination of the consequences of environmental damage, as well as the gradual reduction of negative anthropogenic impact on the environment;
2) ensuring a favorable environment for human life and health;
3) ensuring the environmental foundations for sustainable development of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4) ensuring the contribution of the Republic of Kazakhstan to strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change in the context of sustainable development, as well as to the implementation of international, regional and transboundary programs for environmental protection, adaptation to climate change and transition to a "green" economy;
5) protection, preservation and restoration of the environment, including territories and objects of special ecological, scientific, historical, cultural and recreational value;
6) formation of an effective system of public administration in the field of environmental protection, providing for the interaction and coordination of the activities of all state bodies;
7) encouragement and stimulation by the state of attracting "green" investments and the widespread use of the best available techniques, resource-saving technologies and practices, reducing the volume and reducing the level of danger of waste generated and effectively managing it, using renewable energy sources, water conservation, as well as implementing measures to improve energy efficiency , sustainable use, restoration and reproduction of natural resources;
8) ensuring the constant and systematic collection, accumulation, storage, analysis and dissemination of environmental information for the public, including using modern digital technologies, as well as observing the right of each person to access environmental information, determining the basic conditions, procedure and features of the implementation of this rights;
9) ensuring transparency and full participation of the public in resolving issues of environmental protection and sustainable development of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
10) ensuring effective environmental monitoring and environmental control;
11) creation of conditions for attracting investments in the environmental protection measures, modernization of existing and construction of new infrastructure that ensures a high level of environmental protection;
12) ensuring the fulfillment of international contractual and other obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, development of international cooperation in the field of environmental protection;
13) formation of ecological culture in society, promotion of environmental knowledge at all levels of education, development of environmental education and enlightenment in order to ensure sustainable development;
14) strengthening law and order in the field of environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety.
The Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 2, 2021 No.400-VI LRK